Services Times
9 AM - Grow Groups + Grow Groups at The Park
10:15 AM - In-person service +
Live Stream Service + Worship at The Park
Tuesday (September - May)
7 PM - The Porch
Wednesday (September - May)

Where We're Located
We are more than a building
We Are Family
We believe church is a community as close as family, as fun to be around as friends, and as diverse as the world around us. In this family, there's no need to clean up or pretend to be something you're not. In this family, we recognize that we're all in different phases of life. And in this family, we gather around one thing: the life-changing love of Jesus.
We gather together every week on Sunday for in-person worship.

Life is better together
Grow Groups
Part of our mission at Park Crest is to help people GROW in their relationship with Christ. We believe that the best way to grow is together. So we regularly meet in Grow Groups, which are communities designed to encourage your relationship with Christ and support you in your current stage of life.