Game Time
One of the most exciting parts of AWANA is our game time! We believe that one of the best ways for our clubbers to build relationships is through fun, and that is what this team-building time is all about. Our Puggles and Cubbies will get to take part in group games that help them learn how to work together, while our Sparks & T&T kids build friendships through team competitions.

Small Group Time
Small group time is a foundational part of the AWANA experience. Research shows us that every kid needs 5 adults to invest in their lives and help them grow in their faith. Small group time allows our clubbers to build those relationships with our team of incredible adult volunteers. Every week the same leader will meet with the same group of clubbers to assist in scripture memorization and practical Bible knowledge.

Lesson Time
Each week our AWANA clubbers are able to hear an engaging lesson straight from the Bible, taught by one of our church staff, leaders, and even missionaries. This is a time for kids to hear a message specifically for them, all while helping them engage with new ideas, practical applications, and cultures.