Nursery Coordinators

Why We're Here
The nursery is not glorified babysitting. It is an opportunity for our volunteers to SHOW the love of Christ to 0 - 2 year olds by modeling gentleness, kindness, and patience to the littlest members of our church family.
The nursery also serves as a ministry to parents. We understand that you care for your little ones 24/7. The nursery provides an opportunity for you as a parent to take the time to grow in your relationship with Christ while knowing your child is well cared for and looked after.

Nursery Experience
During service, your child will have plenty of interaction and playtime with volunteers and other children. They will also be taught a lesson tailored for them. Our nursery lessons focus on teaching your child that God loves them, made them, and cares for them.
What To Bring
One of our nursery volunteers will make sure that all of your child's belongings are correctly labeled and stored in the classroom. While we have supplies on hand, we suggest bringing a diaper bag, extra diapers, and a pacifier if needed. To avoid personal toys getting broken, we ask that you hang onto them during service. Also, due to allergies, we ask that no food enter the classroom and for drinks to be limited to water and bottles of formula or milk.

No Problem!
Tears happen! For some kids, there can be a lot of tears at check-in and pick-up. This is totally natural and can be expected all the way through their preschool years. Every kids reacts differently, so don't be alarmed if your child sheds some tears while other kids immediately go off to play.
Our volunteers are trained to patiently care for your child; however, if we are unable to console them, we will text you.
We care about the health of your child and other children at The Park! So, if your child has experienced a fever of 99.8 or higher, vomiting, or started antibiotics within the last 24 hours, please do not check your child into the nursery.

Clean & Sanitized
Every toy and environment gets cleaned and sanitized after each service so that your child can learn and grow in a clean, healthy, and safe environment
Pre-Register Your Child
Pre-registration will provide us with all the information needed to make your child's first time at The Park as easy as possible. If you pre-register your child at least 24 hours before service, all of your information will be entered into our system before you arrive, and our team can quickly print your tags and get you on your way to an incredible worship experience!